We want our communities to be able to thrive and flourish, in a world free from fear, violence and harassment.
We want to live in communities that are united, powerful, safe, loving and nurturing.
This means a world where people’s needs are met, and where police and state violence are no longer facts of life.
We demand an end to the wars that leave our communities feeling like ‘the trenches’.
This means an end to the wars within the community. It also means an end to the wars waged on our community by the system and the state. It also means an end to the wars waged on oppressed people all around the world.
We want to dismantle the system that tells us that putting wrists in handcuffs or putting people in cages is the catch-all solution to problems in our society.
As spoken by one of our founding members, our vision is for a world where young people in our communities “grow up” able to “stand tall, walk with confidence, lesser than no one.”
We know that this vision may take generations to reach.
The struggle for this liberated future will take patience, perseverance, and care for ourselves and care for those we fight alongside.
To this, we are committed.